Heng Zhong (仲 恒)

e-mail: hzhong21@m.fudan.edu.cn

Department of Computer Science, Fudan University


Research Interests

Programming languages, especially type systems; formal methods in software sngineering


Carnegie Mellon University

Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE) Program

Research Advisor: Prof. Jonathan Aldrich

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Jun. 2024 - Aug. 2024

Fudan University (复旦大学)

Bachelor of Computer Science

GPA: 3.64/4.0 (new GPA policy); 3.57/4.0 (old GPA policy)

With exchange experience at the University of Hong Kong (香港大學), GPA: 3.83

Shanghai, China

Sep. 2021 -- Present

Ranking: 44/103

Shenzhen Middle School (深圳中学)

Senior High School

GPA: 3.91/4.02

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Sep. 2018 -- June 2021

Research Experience

4. Meerkat: distributed semantics with causal consistency

Mentor: Prof. Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University

Developing Meerkat, a reactive programming language supporting live-update and unifying frontends and backends with native distributed support. Static soundness guarantee by our specially designed type system incorporating dependencies.

Submitted a paper [2] for ACM SPLASH'24 Student Research Competition.

3. LLM-assisted software vulnerability finding

Mentor: Prof. Mayur Naik, University of Pennsylvania

Using large language models to write formal specifications and also help source-path-sink analysis, helping finding CWE vulnerability. We also constructed a high-quality dataset largest up to our best knowledege.

I am in charge of the work on vulnerability detection on JavaScript programs. In progress.

2. Zombie: A software caching and rematerialization system

Mentor: Prof. Pavel Panchekha, The University of Utah

Design and implemented a software caching system, and a purely functional language built thereon. This system allows programs to continue running (albeit slower) while using much less memory than necessary to store all of the program's heap-accessible values.

Detailed results are shown in paper [1]. The project repository itself is stored at https://github.com/MarisaKirisame/zombie and https://github.com/MarisaKirisame/TVirus

1. Design and Optimization of Graph Isomorphism Algorithms

Advisor: Prof. Haibin Kan, Fudan University


[1] Marisa Kirisame, Sihao Chen, Heng Zhong, Tiezhi Wang, Pavel Panchekha. Uncomputation. Not yet submitted and some minor parts remain to be fixed. Newest version available at https://github.com/MarisaKirisame/zombie_paper

[2]Heng Zhong and Anrui Liu. Meerkat: A Distributed Reactive Programming Language with Live Updates (ACM SPLASH'24 Student Research Competition Paper). 2024. arXiv: 2407.06885 [cs.PL]. URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.06885.


Programming: C (8 years experience); Standard ML, OCaml, Rust, Verilog/SystemVerilog (Experienced); Modern C++, Haskell (Familiar); Coq (Learning)

Language: English (Highly Proficient, GRE 331), Chinese (Native), Japanese (Learning)

Recent work

Reading the main thread of Types and Programming Languages. About to finish in late May.

Important Coursework

Most getting an A grade (≤ 30% at Fudan, usually ≤ 20% at HKU), no less than B+.